USGOCA Announces The destira “Together We Can” Campaign

Hello Club Owners!
Our hugely successful national fundraiser closed at the end of February earning over $45,000 for USAG Regional Committees and our partner gyms. This is the largest contribution Destira has ever made to a cause and we couldn’t have done it without you. We are so proud of the way this community rallied together, giving back to every gymnast as we rebuild together.
Congrats to our gym partners and Regions that really pushed this effort and will see the return when checks arrive the second half of this month. We welcomed more than 150 new partners and will ship leotards to 41 states. Thank you.
The team at Destira is elated about the overwhelming response to our hard work. The win we celebrate most is the opportunity to support athlete education and the rebuilding of our community. Everything we raise money for connects back to our mission, which is to empower and positively impact all girls, our team and our families, and community.
Want to join us in fundraising or have clients that missed the order window? Together We Can #2 will be back for one final week at the beginning of May. We’ll email our current partners details and timing over the coming weeks. If still need to open your account, click here.
Thank you,
Jodi Levy, owner
voice + text: 503-227-0908

Together We Can

TOGETHER WE CAN is a national fundraiser designed to create unity across our sport, raise money for your club and support USAG Regional education. Curious? Click here to get started today!