Positive Affirmations for your Gymnastics Club this 2022!

With 2021 being almost as wild as 2020, starting off 2022 in a positive light can be daunting! Don’t get discouraged by the past and look forward to the future and how having a positive mindset can impact your coaches and gymnasts at your club. How we see ourselves is important, so focusing on what you can do to help enhance your club’s success is a fantastic goal to achieve! Positive affirmations can encourage motivation for pursuing a healthy mindset and boost healthy physical habits. Keeping your club community in an energized state will benefit everyone’s overall health and be useful when attempting to commit to certain exercises or routines. Here are some positive affirmations you can use daily in your gymnastics club:

I Am Resilient:

Being resilient means you can be happy or successful over and over when difficult things happen. Having resilience is about teaching the proper ways to approach a situation. This affirmation is great for self-reflection. It will make you think of times you felt you weren’t strong enough to make it, but you ventured on anything. Having resilience can be mental or even physical, which is especially helpful to teach your coaching staff to strive for when coaching gymnasts. If a club member is having difficulty attaining resilience, encourage them to set small goals before moving forward with bigger ones, this creates baby steps that will help them gain more confidence and success. Keep in mind that this does not mean that mistakes won’t happen, but mistakes shouldn’t be seen in a negative connotation, but rather a learning opportunity.

I Can Learn New Things:

Learning new skills and knowledge is an incredible way to improve upon the way we live our lives. Without new knowledge, we would not know how far we have come based on our skillsets. Learning comes in multiple forms, and sometimes we may need to unlearn negative habits for our health, but it is always best to remind yourself there is always room to grow and become a more rounded individual. We are creatures that have learned to adapt, and we will continue to do so in new and useful ways when we put our minds to it. Think of all the possibilities that come with having new knowledge, and the effects it can produce like reducing stress, gaining confidence, and finding new passions.

I Am Proud Of My Achievements:

Life is hard, and this affirmation is meant to celebrate the little and the big things. Regardless of what struggles you’ve been through, the most important thing is that you’ve made it out! You are still here, and still moving forward! Think of all the skills and achievements you’ve excelled in; think of the things you didn’t excel in but still had a fun time trying to do. Achievements don’t always have to be big, award-winning stunts, but can be anything if you tried and put the most effort you can muster into it. Think of this affirmation to set new goals and achievements you want to accomplish, and to further motivate yourself to keep moving forward, no matter what.

My Voice Matters:

Use this affirmation to never forget in what you believe and stand up for. What you’ve set out to achieve for you, your club, and its members. Always remember to hold yourself and other accountable for words and actions, especially when our voices are responsible for creating a change. Standing up for you means you care about the impact you can do in this world, even if you think it is something ‘little’. Change is possible, you must remember to believe in yourself.

I Can Handle Anything That Comes My Way:

This affirmation is for when you need to remember to follow your gut instincts. With a little time and practice, intuition will shape you on your path. Having the knowledge that you can handle anything means embracing the fear and acting on a situation. It drives you to move forward and fuels the courage you may have thought you didn’t have.

Even the simplest of words can help create a more positive outcome to your daily routine. Keep your club open to the possibility of change and flexibility and keep these affirmations in mind. Get your club involved in this new change as well, post affirmations on your desk, the lobby, locker rooms, even on your social media pages. These are simply reminders, repeating the practice is something you actively must set as your goal. Help your gymnastics club reach its highest potential for this new year and make it a great new beginning!